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Appendix A Grammar Summary

The following is a summary of the context-free grammar for BML.

A.1 Notations and Conventions Used

     init-declarator-list ::= init-declarator [ , init-declarator ] ...
     classfile ::= fileheader typeheader typebody
     fileheader ::= packageinfo constant-pools
     packageinfo ::= package packagename nl [ nl ]...
     packagename ::= [default] | typename
     constant-pools ::= constant-pool [ second-constant-pool ] nl
     constant-pool ::= Constant pool: nl constant-pool-content
     second-constant-pool ::= Second constant pool: nl constant-pool-content
     constant-pool-content ::= constant-pool-line nl [ constant-pool-line nl ]...
     constant-pool-line ::= const cp-ref = constant-pool-entry [ constant-pool-comment ]
     constant-pool-entry ::= class-cp-entry | field-cp-entry
        | method-cp-entry | interface-method-cp-entry
        | string-cp-entry | integer-cp-entry | float-cp-entry
        | long-cp-entry | double-cp-entry
        | name-and-type-cp-entry | utf8-cp-entry
     class-cp-entry ::= Class cp-ref;
     field-cp-entry ::= Fieldref cp-ref.cp-ref;
     method-cp-entry ::= Methodref cp-ref.cp-ref;
     interface-method-cp-entry ::= InterfaceMethodref cp-ref.cp-ref;
     string-cp-entry ::= String cp-ref;
     integer-cp-entry ::= Integer [ sign ] decimal-integer-literal;
     float-cp-entry ::= Float [ sign ] floating-point-literal;
     long-cp-entry ::= Long [ sign ] decimal-integer-literal;
     double-cp-entry ::= Double [ sign ] floating-point-literal;
     name-and-type-cp-entry ::= NameAndType cp-ref.cp-ref;
     utf8-cp-entry ::= Utf8 [ string-character ]...;
     cp-ref ::= #decimal-numeral
     constant-pool-comment ::= // [ non-end-of-line ]...
     typename ::= ident[/typename]
     typeheader ::= classmodifiers class ident
          [ class-extends-clause ] [ implements-clause ] nl...
        | interfacemodifiers interface ident
          [ interface-extends-clause ] [ implements-clause ] nl...
     classmodifiers ::= [ classmodifier ]...
     interfacemodifiers ::= [ interfacemodifier ]...
     classmodifier ::= public | protected | private
        | abstract | static
        | final | strictfp
     interfacemodifier ::= public | protected | private
        | abstract | static |
        | strictfp
     class-extends-clause ::= extends typename
     interface-extends-clause ::= extends name-list
     implements-clause ::= implements name-list
     name-list ::= typename [, typename ]...
     typebody ::= [ staticsection ] [ objectsection ] [ methods ]
     staticsection ::= [ staticfields ] [ staticspec ]
     staticspec ::= [ staticinvariants ] [ staticconstraints ]
                        [ staticrepresents ] [ staticinitially ]
     objectsection ::= [ objectfields ] [ objectspec ]
     objectspec ::= [ objectinvariants ] [ objectconstraints ]
                          [ objectrepresents ] [ objectinitially ]
     staticfields ::= [ staticfield ]...
     objectfields ::= [ objectfield ]...
     staticinvariants ::= [ static invariant nl ]...
     staticconstraints ::= [ static history-constraint nl ]...
     staticrepresents ::= [ static represents-decl nl ]...
     staticinitially  ::= [ static initially-clause nl ]...
     objectinvariants ::= [ invariant nl ]...
     objectconstraints ::= [ history-constraint nl ]...
     objectrepresents ::= [ represents-decl nl ]...
     objectinitially  ::= [ initially-clause nl ]...
     methods ::= [ method ]...
     staticfield ::= static field
     objectfield ::= field
     classfile ::= fileheader typeheader typebody
     fileheader ::= packageinfo constant-pools
     packageinfo ::= package packagename nl [ nl ]...
     packagename ::= [default] | typename
     constant-pools ::= constant-pool [ second-constant-pool ] nl
     constant-pool ::= Constant pool: nl constant-pool-content
     second-constant-pool ::= Second constant pool: nl constant-pool-content
     constant-pool-content ::= constant-pool-line nl [ constant-pool-line nl ]...
     constant-pool-line ::= const cp-ref = constant-pool-entry [ constant-pool-comment ]
     constant-pool-entry ::= class-cp-entry | field-cp-entry
        | method-cp-entry | interface-method-cp-entry
        | string-cp-entry | integer-cp-entry | float-cp-entry
        | long-cp-entry | double-cp-entry
        | name-and-type-cp-entry | utf8-cp-entry
     class-cp-entry ::= Class cp-ref;
     field-cp-entry ::= Fieldref cp-ref.cp-ref;
     method-cp-entry ::= Methodref cp-ref.cp-ref;
     interface-method-cp-entry ::= InterfaceMethodref cp-ref.cp-ref;
     string-cp-entry ::= String cp-ref;
     integer-cp-entry ::= Integer [ sign ] decimal-integer-literal;
     float-cp-entry ::= Float [ sign ] floating-point-literal;
     long-cp-entry ::= Long [ sign ] decimal-integer-literal;
     double-cp-entry ::= Double [ sign ] floating-point-literal;
     name-and-type-cp-entry ::= NameAndType cp-ref.cp-ref;
     utf8-cp-entry ::= Utf8 [ string-character ]...;
     cp-ref ::= #decimal-numeral
     constant-pool-comment ::= // [ non-end-of-line ]...
     typename ::= ident[/typename]
     typeheader ::= classmodifiers class ident
          [ class-extends-clause ] [ implements-clause ]
        | interfacemodifiers interface ident
          [ interface-extends-clause ] [ implements-clause ]
     classmodifiers ::= [ classmodifier ]...
     interfacemodifiers ::= [ interfacemodifier ]...
     classmodifier ::= public | protected | private
        | abstract | static
        | final | strictfp
     interfacemodifier ::= public | protected | private
        | abstract | static |
        | strictfp
     class-extends-clause ::= extends typename
     interface-extends-clause ::= extends name-list
     implements-clause ::= implements name-list
     name-list ::= typename [, typename ]...
     typebody ::= [ staticsection ] [ objectsection ] [ methods ]
     staticsection ::= [ staticfields ] [ staticspec ]
     staticspec ::= [ staticinvariants ] [ staticconstraint ]
                        [ staticrepresents ] [ staticinitially ]
     objectsection ::= [ objectfields ] [ objectspec ]
     objectspec ::= [ objectinvariants ] [ objectconstraint ]
                          [ objectrepresents ] [ objectinitially ]
     staticfields ::= [ staticfield ]...
     objectfields ::= [ objectfield ]...
     methods ::= [ method ]...

A.2 Class and Interface Specifications

     modifiers ::= [ modifier ] ...
     modifier ::= public | protected | private
             | abstract | static |
             | final | synchronized
             | transient | volatile
             | native | strictfp
             | const
     bml-modifier ::= spec_public | spec_protected
             | model | ghost | pure
             | helper | non_null | nullable
             | peer | rep | readonly
     field ::= [ nsfieldmodifiers ] type ident ;
     clinit ::= [ methodspec ] clinitheader [ methodbody ]
     method ::= [ methodspec ] methodheader [ methodbody ]
     type ::= typename | field-built-in-type
     field-built-in-type ::= boolean | byte
             | char | short | int
             | long | float | double
     nsfieldmodifiers ::= public | protected | private
        | final | strictfp
        | spec_public | spec_protected | model
        | ghost
        | non_null | nullable
        | peer | rep | readonly
     bml-declaration ::= invariant
             | history-constraint
             | represents-decl
             | initially-clause

A.3 Predicates and Specification Expressions

     expression-list ::= expression [ , expression ] ...
     expression ::= conditional-expr
     conditional-expr ::= equivalence-expr
                        [ ? conditional-expr : conditional-expr ]
     equivalence-expr ::= implies-expr
                          [ equivalence-op implies-expr ] ...
     equivalence-op ::= <==> | <=!=>
     implies-expr ::= logical-or-expr
                  [ ==> implies-non-backward-expr ]
             | logical-or-expr <== logical-or-expr
                  [ <== logical-or-expr ] ...
     implies-non-backward-expr ::= logical-or-expr
                  [ ==> implies-non-backward-expr ]
     logical-or-expr ::= logical-and-expr [ `||' logical-and-expr ] ...
     logical-and-expr ::= inclusive-or-expr [ && inclusive-or-expr ] ...
     inclusive-or-expr ::= exclusive-or-expr [ `|' exclusive-or-expr ] ...
     exclusive-or-expr ::= and-expr [ ^ and-expr ] ...
     and-expr ::= equality-expr [ & equality-expr ] ...
     equality-expr ::= relational-expr [ == relational-expr] ...
             | relational-expr [ != relational-expr] ...
     relational-expr ::= shift-expr < shift-expr
             | shift-expr > shift-expr
             | shift-expr <= shift-expr
             | shift-expr >= shift-expr
             | shift-expr <: shift-expr
             | shift-expr [ instanceof type-spec ]
     shift-expr ::= additive-expr [ shift-op additive-expr ] ...
     shift-op ::= << | >> | >>>
     additive-expr ::= mult-expr [ additive-op mult-expr ] ...
     additive-op ::= + | -
     mult-expr ::= unary-expr [ mult-op unary-expr ] ...
     mult-op ::= * | / | %
     unary-expr ::= ( type-spec ) unary-expr
             | + unary-expr
             | - unary-expr
             | unary-expr-not-plus-minus
     unary-expr-not-plus-minus ::= ~ unary-expr
             | ! unary-expr
             | ( built-in-type ) unary-expr
             | ( reference-type ) unary-expr-not-plus-minus
             | postfix-expr
     postfix-expr ::= primary-expr [ primary-suffix ] ...
             | built-in-type [ `[' `]' ] ... . class
     primary-suffix ::= . #nat
             | . super ( [ expression-list ] )
             | . ident ( [ expression-list ] )
             | `[' expression `]'
             | [ `[' `]' ] ... . class
     primary-expr ::= lv[nat] |
             | ident | constant | super | true
             | false | this | null
             | ( expression )
             | jml-primary
             | bml-primary
     built-in-type ::= void | field-built-in-type
     constant ::= java-literal
     type-spec ::= arr-type
              | \TYPE [ dims ]
     arr-type ::= [ ownership-modifiers ] type [ dims ]
     type ::= reference-type | built-in-type
     reference-type ::= name
     dims ::= `[' `]' [ `[' `]' ] ...
     jml-primary ::= result-expression
             | old-expression
             | fresh-expression
             | nonnullelements-expression
             | typeof-expression
             | elemtype-expression
             | type-expression
             | spec-quantified-expr
     bml-primary ::= cntr-expression
             | stack-expression
             | arraylength-expression
     cntr-expression ::= \cntr
     stack-expression ::= \st( additive-expr )
     arraylength-expression ::= \length( expression )